Frontend Development 101

Lesson 2

Event Loop & Async

by Nikolaus Piccolotto


Event Loop

Javascript is single-threaded. Updating the DOM (slow) and factoring integers (also slow) need the same resource.

What is it?

It's a queue of functions to call. When the stack is empty, the next function is popped from the queue and executed.

Blocking the Event Loop

Unblock the Event Loop

Using setTimeout


Not blocking the event loop is considered good practice.

Asynch-ronous Operations

You know, like AJAX requests. Or database queries.


They do not interrupt control flow. When an async operation is finished, the "completed handler" is put into the event loop.


A function that's executed when a (possibly long-running) operation finished.

function fetchSomeData( callback ) {
    // window.fetch
    fetch( '' ).then( callback );
    // note: returns undefined!

// executes immediately, but no guarantees about
// when the callback will do
fetchSomeData( function( data ) {
    console.log( 'fetched me some', data );   

// the parser just goes on and executes the next statement
console.log( 'i am probably executed first' );

Nobody likes callbacks

They get unwieldy fast. Also, what about error handling? Or waiting for multiple things in parallel?

getOneThing( function(one) {
    getSecondThing( function(second) {
        doTaskOne( function() {
            doNextTask( function() {
                // it's the
                // *didi diiii didi-didi*
“The callback pyramid of doom”

Promises (Futures)

A proxy for a value not necessary known when the Promise is created.

How do they even work?

A promise may either be

  • pending
  • resolved
  • rejected

Once a promise is rejected or resolved, it does not alter its state again.

Create a Promise

function doStuff() {
    function executor( resolve, reject ) {
        /* do stuff */
        if ( !error ) {
            resolve( value );
        } else {
            reject( error );
    return new Promise( executor );

Promises are chainable

.then( doOtherStuff )
.then( evenMoreStuff ) // works if doOtherStuff returns a promise too
.catch( handleError );

You can wait for multiple promises

.then( doStuffWithThreeThings );

Also maybe: Communicating Sequential Processes



Promises are the current way to handle async things. They are available natively in modern browsers except IE and Opera Mini.
